Management System Auditing Service
If you already have a Management System in place but maybe don’t have the physical and/or time resources to carry out Internal Audits on that system (Note: Internal Audits are a key element of the ISO Standards), WQSolutions can help.
We offer a ‘Management System Auditing Service’ which enables your company to gain the benefits of auditing your business against relevant International or Industry Standards. Our flexible approach allows the scheduling of Internal Audits to be setup to work on your time scales while ensuring all necessary processes and procedures are reviewed with the aim of highlighting any discrepancies (before an External Auditor arrives) and areas of your business which could be improved.
If required, WQSolutions can also take on the role of ensuring resulting actions from Internal Audits are followed up. This will enable corrections to be made where necessary but more importantly so that highlighted areas for improvement can reach their full potential resulting in increased competitive advantages.